Halloween is approaching fast but with thepandemic situation everywhere around the world, a physical Halloween partymight not be the wisest thing to do. However, this doesn’t stop many fromheading online for Halloween parties. This new online Halloween trend willprompt many to go for costume contact lenses which are colored contactlens with decorative patterns to spruce up their Halloween looks. This begsthe question – Is Halloween contacts safe?

What is costume contact lens?

Costume contact lens, also known asdecorative or cosmetic contact lens is essentially colored contact lens thatchange the way your eyes look, whether by changing its iris’ color or pupilshape, in order to give your eyes dramatic effects or mimic the eyes of acartoon, animeor film character. Costume contact lens can be both with or without visioncorrection.

Is costume contact lens safe?

Costume / Colored contact lens is no different than clear contact lens when it comes to wearing them. When using both types of lenses, one needs to practice proper wear and care. Certain contact lenses are considered medical devices so if not used correctly or according to proper instructions, wearing any contact lenses can increase the risk of an eye infection or prolong visual impairment. Don’t make your Halloween haunt you long after October 31 and make sure that you are getting your costume contact lens from trusted and reputable offline or online shop.

Wearing costume contact lens is safe if you follow the correct instructions. It is advisable to see an eye doctor to get a proper prescription before getting any contact lens on your own. A professional eye doctor or ophthalmologist can check your eyes and measure them for properly fit contacts. Besides that, ophthalmologist will also offer you safety tips on wearing contact lens.

Obtaina proper prescription before buying your contact lens.

How can Halloween contacts be dangerous?

Costume lens for Halloween that looks fancy and crazy can be purchased just about anywhere nowadays, especially from social media like Instagram and Facebook, and online retail shops. These lenses if purchased without a proper prescription may not fit properly on your cornea, leaving your eyes more susceptible to scratches or cuts. Sounds like something out of a horror movie? Well it is, and the worst part is, the scratch and cut may leave permanent scarring, infection or vision loss.

Some of the eye injuries caused by mis-fitting lenses are corneal abrasions, corneal ulcers, and bacterial infections like keratitis.In addition, when wearing costume lenses, less oxygen is passed through to the eyes due to the paints and pigments used on the lenses to add color and patterns, making the lenses thicker and hence less breathable. Be sure to check with your ophthalmologist for advices on wearing costume contact lens so that you can enjoy the fun and have a safe Halloween.

How to use Halloween Contacts safely?

Whether you are going for the Vampire’s red eyes, white out blind or the animal eyes to match your Halloween or costume parties’ attire, you can use these decorative lenses safely as long as you follow proper instructions, practice good hygiene and definitely buy from a trusted retailer. Here are some guidelines outlined by Food and Drug Administration (FDA)to ensure the safe use of Halloween contacts.

  • Get your eyes examined. It is recommended that we get a proper eye check every two years by licensed eye doctor to ensure the health of our eyes. An eye doctor will provide you a prescription for contact lens and also advise a proper contact lens fit for you. It is very important that you get the correct fit to prevent any damage to your eyes as a result of wearing a mis-fitting lens.

  • Follow the proper contact lens care instruction. The instruction that comes with your contact lens and accessories are there for a reason, follow them! Always make sure you follow the instructions on the use, care, cleaning as well as disinfecting of your contact lenses to prevent unnecessary contamination of your contact lens and to maintain it in good condition. In case you do not receive any instructions, you can always consult your eye doctor for advice. 

  • When should you seek medical attention? If you experience discomfort and red eyes while wearing your contact lens, remove your contact lenses immediately. Redness can mean incorrect application of your contact lens so do check if you have worn them correctly or if the contact lens has a tear. These can cause abrasion to your cornea. If you experience redness, on-going pain or abnormal discharge, please seek medical attention immediately. Redness, pain and discharge from the eyes are tell tale signs of an eye infection. Remove your contact lenses and see a professional eye doctor right away.

  • Never share your contact lenses with others. While we know that sharing is caring, contact lenses are not meant to be shared. Just like you won’t share your toothbrush. All eyes are not of the same size, shape and vary in prescription. Each contact lens is fitted just for you so don’t share your contact lenses with anyone else.

  • Always buy contact lenses with prescription. Have your prescription ready before you placed any order of your contact lenses, including Halloween contact lens at physical retail shops or online stores. Even if your vision is a perfect 20/20, it is still advisable to get your eyes check before you buy any costume lenses because there are some people who produce dirty tear film or have complex ocular disorders which make them poor candidates for costume lenses. A prescription from an eye doctor usually contains information such as base curve, diameter, prescription and issuance and expiry date of the prescription. 
Sweety Koi Violet (1 lens/pack)-Colored Contacts-UNIQSO
Sweety Koi Red (1 lens/pack)-Colored Contacts-UNIQSO
Sweety Koi Brown (1 lens/pack)-Colored Contacts-UNIQSO

We know you are anxious to spook up your look now that Halloween is just less than a month away. It is probably the only time for you to play dress up and show up with outrageous make-ups without feeling out of place. Whether you are celebrating Halloween offline or online, always remember that safety always comes first. Buy your contact lens from a reputable colored contact lens supplier who sells certified and quality contact lens. Don’t buy cheap lens just to save money because that little savings might cause you your eyes. UNIQSO stocks a huge collection of quality Halloween contact lenses at best prices. Visit UNIQSO today and enjoy up to 50% discount and many more when you shop for your Halloween must-haves.